Collective management of copyright and related rights
According to the Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright the collective management of rights shall mean the enforcement of copyright and rights related to copyright which are individually non-exercisable due to the character or circumstances of use, and which are, therefore, exercised by organisations established by rightholders for this purpose. Within its competence of the collective management of rights, a collecting society shall
- determine the amount of remunerations and other conditions of use to licensing or the implementation of claims for remuneration;
- monitor how copyright works and subject matter of related rights are used;
- collect and distribute remunerations, or transfer remunerations to other collecting societies for distribution purposes; and
- take action if copyright or related rights are infringed.
Collecting societies performing the management of copyright and related rights in Hungary
- Society ARTISJUS Hungarian Bureau for the Protection of Authors' Rights (ARTISJUS)
- FILMJUS Hungarian Society for the Protection of Audiovizual Authors' and Producers' Rights (FILMJUS)
- Association of the Arts Unions Bureau for the Protection of Performers' Rights (MSZSZ-EJI)
- HUNGART Collecting Society of Hungarian Visual Artists (HUNGART)
- Hungarian Record Industry Association (MAHASZ)
- Hungarian Alliance of Reprographic Rights (HARR)
- Society Repropress for the Reprographic Rights of Publishers (Repropress)
- Hungarian Literary Authors' Collecting Society (HLACS)
- Society MASZRE for the Reprographic Rights of Professional Non-fiction, Ficton Authors and Publishers (MASZRE)